Aircraft Design & Certification

Repair for your aircraft

Touched a runway light with the wing tip, damaged the landing gear, or discovered a crack in the structure?

For repairs beyond normal maintenance as provided in your maintenance manual, you need a repair manual provided by a design organisation and a release of the repair order by EASA.

We provide you with the necessary documentation and handle the correspondence with EASA.

The implementation of the repair is normally done under supervision of the LTB, but may be carried out by yourself and accepted by your auditor's CAMO. We can also provide an inspector for aircraft up to 750kg.



D4 Fascination

D4 Fascination

Type Certificate data

AD&C is the type certificate holder and responsible for the continued airworthiness of this aircraft type. Applicable documents released for this aircraft are published on this webpage.

For occurrence reporting please use our contact page with the subject "D4 Fascination Occurrence".

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